Here is a video that Chelz made from the Dim Mak showcase at SXSW (and us hung over the next day).
People kept mistaking me for Ladyhawke. It was hilarious. I met my biggest fan one night.
We met so many cool people, and got to see good friends from all over.
- Lindsey getting in a fight with "Nikki Nightlife"
- Meeting Andy Hilfiger and getting FREE CLOTHES
- Seeing Kanye West for free
- Chelsea peeing behind a sign at the Fader Fort since the bathroom line was an hour wait
- Drinking free SOCO and Tea all day
- Taking huge bottles of Belvedere home after the SXIX party and drinking it all until 7 AM
- Pedicab drivers that also work as great wingmen
ORPS. i must've been peeing in these clips or sometings because i'm not theree. i left early the next day and there was a bag of breakfast tacos but i didn't know if they were for everyone or dannon was gonna eat em all. ahahahaa!
good job chels!
epic. epic. epic. epic.
People kept asking me if I was Yelle. I was pretty happy with it.
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