Saturday, December 13, 2008

Winter time not only marks the end of finals, but the begining of cold nights made extra special with whiskey (God's heater) and fires. If you know us at all, you will completely understand our connection with the "backyard fire". It's a chance for all of our male friends to feel that bonus burst of testosterone as they construct the perfect outdoor furnace and us girls to stay warm in the below freezing (no seriously, below freezing) Texas nights.

As a supplement to the extremem weather, and a reward for all the dudes' hard work, Lindsey and I make a magical concoction of love and alcohol...whiskey cider. The recipe has been long kept a secret, however, you are all in for a treat. Today (aka a noteworthy moment in history), we will reveal our infamous recipe for whiskey cider...

Make it.
Enjoy it.
Keep warm.

2 quarts of SIMPLY APPLE (or any other pure apple juice, concentrates won't work folks!)
1 orange
1 package of cinnamon sticks
1/2 package of Imperial cinnamon hearts

Heat 1 1/2 quarts of Simply Apple on medium heat in a large sauce pan. Slice the orange into circles and add to the brew. Add cinnamon sticks and hearts. Let simmer for thirty minutes. Put one shot (OR MORE) into mugs and add two ladles of cider.



Stephie said...

Best damn cider I have ever had.

Unknown said...

gawd. i loved this cider. good job girls!